
Laying on the freshly cut grass, Ruby stared up into the sky. She could hear her four children playing on the swings and a dog barking somewhere. She thought about having another chocolate bar, but decided that Kim would only complain at her. Instead, she shut her eyes and decided to have five minutes of peace.

The sunlight danced across her eyelids and she traced patterns in the spider web lines. She rested her hands on her waist and took deep breaths as if she was at yoga. Ruby floated for a few minutes, clearing her mind of everything.

A soft rustling reached her ears and she cracked open her eyes. The sky was a washed out blue with wispy tails of clouds. She looked down and saw her youngest child rooting through the wicker picnic basket. He was trying to be sneaky, Ruby could tell by the way Joey was acting. She smiled and faked a yawed.

Joey paused, eyes flicking from her then back to the basket. His little hands rummaged deeper and he pulled out the chocolate bar packet.

With his distraction held, Ruby slowly got up and grabbed her. Her arms looped around him and she pulled him backwards on to her lap. Joey screamed in delight and wiggled about.

‘What are you doing?’ Ruby playfully demanded.

‘Nothing, nothing!’ the five year old squealed back.

‘This doesn’t look like nothing,’ Ruby said and took the chocolate packet from his hand.

Joey reached out after her and she tipped the packet allowing the bars to spill out. She handed one to him and hugged him tightly. Her eyes drifted over to her other children and saw the three girls playing on the metal slide.

Easing her son off her lap, she grabbed a bottle of water and took a few sips. She felt the afternoon stretch out and wondered how a beautifully day could ever come to an end.

*A Short Note from me, the writer.*

I got nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by https://anerdyutopia.wordpress.com/

I’ve ow idea how this really works. Though, someone pointed out that it just might be a chain letter thing. But I did notice that it’s a good way to connect with other blogs as the rules say you have to nominate up to 20 blogs. Also, I’ve to write five random facts about myself so:

  1. My favourite band of all time is Iron Maiden.
  2. I listen to a mix of music whilst writing, but I write best to 12 Stones and Five Finger Death Punch.
  3. I’m a fan of the podcast Welcome To Night vale.
  4. I love to drag out reading books and that’s why it takes me twice as long to read them.
  5. I enjoy cooking, but I’m really bad at it.

You can find out more about me and this blog, here; https://thestoryfiles.wordpress.com/about/

You can submit your short stories to The Story Files, check out the guidelines here:

Submission Guidelines

Here’s a list of places you can follow my blog from;

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thestoryfiles

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ironmaidenfan9

Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/user?u=327832

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=208056472&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile

Pinterest:  http://www.pinterest.com/hails9/

Readwave: http://www.readwave.com/hayley.hardman.7/

Blogger: http://hailscrazyblog.blogspot.co.uk/

Lastly, thank you so much to all my followers and to everyone who likes and comment(s) on my stories. I love hearing feedback and it helps me to improve and focus my writing more.
