Autumn Rain #FridayFictioneers

Bob hadn’t be able to offered a new shelter roof after the storm blew it off. He thought at first that his pub’s clients wouldn’t mind just standing outside. Summer was still lingering and the nights were warm and dry. Weeks later, autumn fully arrived, sweeping and washing away summer.

Bob needed a simple and cheap idea to give people shelter. Umbrellas had come to him as he had been watching the rain falling outside. He stock piled boxes full and fixed them across the roof frame. The shelter looked like the stage of a colourful musical but the pub’s clients loved it.

(Inspired by; with thanks).

10 thoughts on “Autumn Rain #FridayFictioneers

  1. Whatโ€™s not to like about the colourful umbrellas, however tell him that he needs to use the [wooden] packing cases to construct a roof against winter storms.

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