Date Ideas #FridayFictioneers

Sophie picked up the jar and shook it to mix the strips of different coloured paper. Unscrewing the lid, she put a hand in, drew a red one and unfolded it.

‘What’s it say?’ her boyfriend, Adam, asked.

‘The zoo,’ Sophie answered.

They both glanced at the heavy rain falling outside.

‘Pick another.’

Sophie picked a green strip and read, ‘board game night.’

‘No. Let me try,’ Adam spoke.

He dug in the jar, pulled out a yellow one and they both read, ‘a box set day.’

‘Perfect,’ Sophie added, ‘Game of Thrones season five it is!’


(Inspired by; with thanks).

Working Air #TwitteringTales

It was a crazy idea, an office set up outside wouldn’t work! Mr.Cooper believed his team would be more productive without the ‘shackled desk’ atmosphere. It did improve things for awhile but then it rained and nobody wanted to work outside anymore.

(Inspired by; with thanks).


Tea Service #FridayFictioneers

It had been a passing comment from a half-heard conversation that pinged the light bulb in Angel’s mind.

‘I wish there was a vintage tea shop like this near me,’ the bride from the wedding party spoke.

Angel stopped with her patterned tray stacked with fancy tea cups, matching saucers and a cake plates. She looked around. The hotel’s private party room had been transformed into a Victorian tea room; white clothed round tables, tier stands stacked with delicate looking foods and huge vases overflowing with flowers.

‘Yes,’ Angel whispered, ‘that could be my own business.’


(Inspired by; with thanks).

Dear Diary #21

Dear Diary, why am I so fascinated by the Suicide Forest in Japan?

I watched another online video today of four young men exploring the place. It was raining and you could hear the rain dripping off the trees. There seemed to be no birds or any other animals in the background, just the men walking and talking to the camera. The forest was mega wild and they said the ground was made of fallen trees, roots and undergrown plants. It looked almost like an evil fantasy forest.

They found three broken umbrellas then a camping spot where two light green single person tents were still intact. Off to the side, were the remains of a small camping fire, badly damped by the heavy rain. An empty rucksack lay beside the first tent, the zips all undone. A white baseball cap was behind the second tent and there was a scattering of Japanese sweet packets.

They looked into the tents and I held my breath believing they were about to discover someone, but there was only litter and water. They even searched the area, though they claimed the video wasn’t about them looking for bodies…but I guess if you came across an abandoned tent in the middle of a forest will known for suicides then you’d want to know what happened to the person.

I sort of want to know too, but I think it’s clear what happened…

I want to go, more desperately then before. I want to know why people are driven there and why they decide they don’t want to live. Plus, there are all these claims about it being haunted and not just by the souls of those poor people, but by evil spirits that lure people in. Okay, maybe I’ve seen too many movies, but there must have been something that started the stories, there always is. Maybe, it would be a good thing for my PhD? And it’d give me a reason to go…Though this would be the third ‘haunted’ place I’ve submitted in my applications. But from a psychologic point of view, it’s just super interesting.

Hopefully, my fascination will die down soon enough, but right now I’m going to start a new application and see what the universities think about it. Maybe, there’s a reason why I’m so attracted to these creepy place? Perhaps, I need to do some mind testing on myself!

Hard Part 2

Writing, Write, Fountain Pen, Ink, Scribe, Handwriting

Today was another one of those days. The ideas were just there, almost within grasp and yet so far away like the setting sun on the horizon. The blank page was too just white to bare anymore and she felt mocked by it. She pressed her fingers on some random keys and filled the page a quarter way with strings of letters. She felt a little better and not so daunted. Then taking a deep breath, she began writing and in letting everything go, she was able to lose herself to the words.

High Dreams

He stood on top of the world, cape flying, imagining all that he could be.


There was just something about traveling on a bus that Daisy enjoyed, but she had never been able to pin down the actual reasons. Though, more than often the cons did outweigh the pros of public transport. Standing at the bus stop with her guide dog, Micah, Daisy’s mind wondered into thinking about those reasons why she disliked buses. Carefully, she counted them on her fingers and tried not to say them out loud, as was her normal habit.

Number one, you have to figure out which bus you want to your destination.

Number two, it’s guaranteed you always have to wait for a bus to show up.

Number three, most of the time the bus arrives later then stated.

Number four, buses like to show up in twos or threes.

Number five, making sure you have the correct amount of money in the right coins.

Daisy paused and tapped two of her fingertips to her lips as she thought. She came up with three more reasons and added them to the list. With a sigh, she petted Micah and leant against a low brick wall that boarded one of the houses that over looked the street. The main road before her was busy with a mix of traffic, but there didn’t seem to be a bus in sight. She repeated those last three to herself, whilst fiddling with the strap of her large shoulder bag.

Number six, bus drivers hide their moods and emotions well.  

Number seven, it feels like you only have a few seconds to choose a seat and sit down.

Number eight, sometimes you get bruises and your knees hurt.

Out of the corner of her one good eye, Daisy saw the distinct red colour of the bus. She went to the curb and kept her eyes focused on the bus number panel, which from that distance she could not figure out what it said. Becoming unsure, she stuck her arm out and watched the bus began to slow down. The numbers took shape before her and it was the bus she wanted. Could she get two more reasons and make it to ten before the bus stopped? She wondered.

Number nine, you never want to give up the seat next to you, but you end up doing so.  

Number ten, there’s always someone talking very loudly on a mobile phone or else someone playing music which you’d rather not listen too.  

The bus pulled up before her and Daisy moved back to avoid being hit by the wing mirror. The doors hissed open and she encouraged Micah to guide her on. She showed her pass to the bus driver and just about made out his slow nods. They walked down the small passageway and to the wheel chair and baby pram space, were there were fold out chairs along the wall. The seats behind the area were free, so Daisy sat there and let Micah sprawl out in the wheel chair space.

Rearranging herself as the bus eased off, Daisy backtracked and decided to come up with ten reasons why she liked traveling on the bus. For a few moments, she wasn’t sure where to begin, but as she got use to her surrounds she started a new count on her fingers.

Number one, traveling via bus can let you to get to places easier and faster.

Number two, you can do things which if you were walking or driving you couldn’t do.

Number three, listening into conversations happening around you.

She smiled at that last one and decided that was probably one of her favourite reasons. She had always loved listening to people talking. There was just something about the rise and fall of voices. It made her feel like she wasn’t alone. She felt Micah pressing his head into her lap and she scrubbed his ears. His soft, pleasant groaning and sighing made Daisy giggled. He also caused her to almost say out loud what her fourth reason was, but she caught herself just in time.

‘It probably won’t matter anyway,’ she said instead in a low voice.

Micah’s tail thumped on the floor a few times and Daisy rubbed his head harder. The chocolate Labrador was a slush and loved any sign of affection, even from strangers. Daisy fell back to her thoughts and came up with the next four pro reasons.

Number four, you can meet interesting people.  

Number five, the bus can cut through traffic more easily the majority of the time.

Number six, cheap. Well, when you take other transport into the count.  

Number seven, it can make traveling to new places more fun.

She stopped, feeling like the last two were not true enough reasons to make the list. She was running out of ideas though. The bell rang and Daisy looked out of the window and tried to figure out where they were. A few moments later, she realised the bus had only gone half a mile or so up the road from the stop she had gotten on. There was still awhile to go till the stop she wanted. Plenty of time to come up with the last three notions.

She pulled a few faces and had a deep think about what else she liked about buses. Micah seemed to be dozing off, but he was still being on the alert. Noticing that made Daisy suggest the next one;

Number eight, you can doze and light sleep on a bus.

‘I’m not too sure about that one. It doesn’t sound like a good idea to me,’ she muttered.

‘Are you alright, dear?’ an elderly woman’s voice came from a seat across from her.

‘Yes. Erm, sorry. I was thinking out aloud,’ Daisy replied turning her head to see the woman.

From what she could make out, she guessed that the old woman was over seventy and that she had a shopping bag trolley next to her. Her hair was white and she had on a big coat, also she was still staring. Daisy smiled at her and turned to Micah, who had on hearing her speak opened his eyes and looked about. She patted his head and told him he was a good dog. He licked her hand and wagged his tail.

Settling back, she looked out of the window and tried to keep a look out for the shapes of the buildings around the stop she wanted. Whilst, she was doing that the last to pros popped into her head.

Number nine, you can watch the world going by.

Number ten, other passengers are very considerate.

That’ll do. Maybe in the future I’ll come up some better ones.

Daisy then let her thoughts scatter on to other things until her stop finally arrived and Micah guided her off the bus.

